Using "The Yummy Alphabet Book" as a read aloud/ discussion starter, students will investigate the growth and taste of cilantro by growing it from seed to compare/contrast the function, size, and
Quail Farming
Students will learn about the three pillars of sustainability through their quail farm. They will incubate, raise and restock their quails in order for them to be sustainable regardless of what
Students research desert organisms and create a dynamic food web system model using Loopy.
This lesson includes slides sharing an introduction to 3D printing and how it works. Students will then research ways 3D printing is used in the real world.
As an intro to Thermal Energy, students are challenged to create a warmer that will keep my coffee warm. Students project will be tested in class, data will be collected, compared, and graphed.
Students research the impact natural hazards in a city in the southwest and create an artifact to prompt public action.
This is a series of lessons where students will observe natural activities in the garden for five days. From the observation, they will identify the factors that have high probability of causing
In this lesson students analyze clues that help them make a claim about a phenomenon they are introduced to- a video of ash and debris-filled water rushing down a forest hill in Flagstaff. Students go
This lesson teaches how to give and receive constructive feedback by using a group carousel feedback format, and how to create a compelling presentation using Keynote, Google Slides, or PowerPoint.