Preventing Soil Erosion with Vegetation
by Huda Clemens
Students will be able to design a method of protection for the Earth’s land that would withstand the impact of rainfall on soil and prevent erosion. Students will discover that the soil with vegetation (grass) has improved the soil resistance to erosion. Then students will be told that they’ve been hired as engineers by ASU and need to find other types of vegetation that can protect soils and withstand water erosion. Students will work in groups researching different types of plants and decide on which type of seeds they would like to plant to improve their soil’s resistance to water erosion.
Lesson Grade Level
4th GradeLesson Plan Link/URL…Subject Area
Science Earth and Space Science E1: Earth Systems Technology 3. Knowledge Constructor 4. Innovative Designer 5. Computational Thinker 6. Creative Communicator Engineering S2: Apply the Engineering Design Process S3: Apply Mathematics to Engineering S4: Apply Science to Engineering S6: Apply Communications to Engineering Mathematics Measurement and Data (MD)Related Content
5th Grade
In Part 2, after students have created the blueprint, the floor plan and the budget, they will then create the blueprint using the Tinkercad application. Students must make a house following the
2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
This lesson was for 2nd/3rd graders in an after-school class. Students were not familiar with 3D printing or Tinkercad. We spent 3 days to complete. Day 1 was learning about 3D printing, opening
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
On the second day students use more complex coding, the built in camera for taking pictures and experience FPV. It has 3 missions total in this lesson. This lesson also uses yaw to keep the camera