The Use of Trigonometry for Contractors

This is a 2 day lesson plan where a local contractor comes in and presents on building roofs and on snow load code. The second day is an activity where the students test out different slopes and design a roof with specifications using the ideas of trigonometry as well as learn a trick to remember the basics of special right triangles or the unit circle.

For all the activities the materials needed will be: Medical gloves, Sharpies, A board or clipboard or flat item for each group, At least 5 books of the same type for each group, Ruler or tape measurer, A smooth item such as a phone or block.

Day 1: (50 min)A local contractor that many of the students know will come in and present how trigonometry is used in his work. He will be showing them the hand rule and showing them the use of special right triangles on specific projects he has done.
(2-3 min)The students will split into groups.
(10 min) The students will study a little about snow load code for roofs in Arizona at the following website. (one computer to a group).
(25 minutes) The students will use books and clipboards to examine the possible pitch angles that are possible and how large a roofs frame must be.
(5-10 minutes)Write a small paragraph about what sort of roof they would build on their own home.


Lesson Grade Level

10th Grade 11th Grade

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