Students will design and build a boat for the Gingerbread Man using aluminum foil, straws, and popsicle sticks. They will test and improve their designs while learning about buoyancy and basic
1st Grade
Students will review different types of motion previously learned in Part 1. They will construct, review, and analyze a marble maze including the different types of motion to extend their learning.
5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade
Students will use the principles invented by Bernoulli and Archimedes to learn about hot air balloons. Then students will create one out of tissue paper and test it!
4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
Students will explore how fashion and design inspire present-day life and influence messaging and culture. They will create a 2D design of a shoe and then a 3D rendering of a sneaker using CAD
5th Grade
Students will explore the history and processes of using natural dyes, focusing on Sonoran desert flora. They will use examples from colonial times from colonists as well. They will investigate how
4th Grade
Do you need a fun culminating activity at the end of your light energy or light waves unit? Look no further! Here students will create their own spectroscope and investigate light energy and light
4th Grade
Explore sound waves and energy through the creation of a rubber band guitar. This hands on experiment will be sure to get your students excited about energy and waves.
3rd Grade
In this engaging 1.5-hour lesson, 3rd-grade students will combine Science, Technology, and English Language Arts (ELA) to create a virtual garden using Students will learn the basics of
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Students learn about leg prosthetics, design a blueprint and engineer a working prosthetic leg.