Create Your Own AI: Train a Computer To Recognize Images, Sounds and Poses Using Teachable Machine
by Patricia Morgan
Learn how to train your own Artificial Intelligence neural network without the complexities of coding. Google's (free) Teachable Machine is a web-based tool that makes it easy to train your computer to recognize images, sounds and poses. This introductory lesson helps students learn about machine learning (ML) by creating their own classification models, testing and exporting their product in a simple streamlined process.
Lesson Grade Level
4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th GradeLesson Plan Link/URL…Subject Area
Science Technology 1. Empowered Learner 3. Knowledge Constructor 4. Innovative Designer 5. Computational Thinker 6. Creative Communicator Engineering S5: Apply Technology to Engineering S6: Apply Communications to Engineering
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