24 Hour Garbage Lab
Three day lesson on garbage, recycling, and composting.
Day 1:
Students are provided a garbage bag and no instruction on recycling.
*Collect all of your disposable garbage for 24 hours. Bring it back to class the next day!
Day 2:
Separate and categorize your garbage into identified groups.
Measure mass of each group using an electronic balance.
Record the units in grams.
Calculate the percentage of each group.
Students are provided instruction on recycling and composting.
Repeat steps 1-4. Use the same categories and complete the data table with qualitative observations. Analysis questions will be used to help determine the impact by group, by class, school, etc.
Day 3:
Data Analysis, Class discussion, along with enrichment activities.
Write questions that can be researched to help determine study topics related to human impact.