This STEM lesson focuses on technology and math. It was written for 6th through 8th grade, but it can be adjusted to fit other grades. It was made for groups of 3-4, it could be used for a whole class
This lesson is perfect when celebrating Easter. The students will be engaged in creating a trap for the bunny. The story will be read first and then the magic happens after.
This project takes place over approximately 10 days (2 weeks), 60 minutes per day. Students work in groups to cook in a solar oven, but parts of the project can be done individually as well. Students
Students will research an inventor and their invention. They will explain/present the impact this invention has had on our society. They will think of ways to improve the invention and develop a
The students will construct a tower with only the given materials. They will receive a certain amount of raw spaghetti noodles and miniature marshmallows. The groups will compete to have the tallest
This is a detailed math and engineering based lesson plan that covers the processes of building and testing an Archimedes screw for water movement. Students will be working in a STEM summer camp in
Simple Machine: Pulley, helping Rapunzel escape the tower
This lesson, adapted from NOAA, focuses on tides. Students pretend to be a ship captain delivering materials to a construction company. However, their ship must go under a bridge. Students must find
Students will read an article about new innovative inventions. Students will research an issue they care about. Some examples would be climate change, trash, world hunger, forest fires, pollution, etc