5th Grade
This is the first lesson for the 5th grade life science unit involving environmental factors and organisms. The materials needed are two articles, highlighters, and either a laptop or tablet to
6th Grade
This lesson plan includes ideas and materials to last for 5 days. The students will be learning about human impact on tide pools and engineering their own solution. On the first day will be about
7th Grade
This is Task 4 (Lesson 4) of four tasks (lessons) of an overall project of “Escaping 7th Grade Science Room." Students will construct a marshmallow device to propel marshmallows at force and collect
7th Grade, 8th Grade
Students in this lesson will set up an investigation to see if a salt lamp affects plant growth. They will use what they know about photosynthesis and cellular respiration to make sure the plants have
4th Grade
Students are experimenting on their own to find out which materials would create the best water filter, after reading The Water Princess and discussing water scarcity. This engaging lesson combines
1st Grade
In this lesson, students will watch seeds grow on a damp sponge by measuring, journaling and observing. They will observe how the roots and shoots grow.
7th Grade
Students will design balloon rockets in order to solidify an understanding of Newton's Third Law of Motion . Students will develop an investigation question and then perform their investigation. For
In this engaging lesson, students will participate in an engineering challenge or STEM activity that connects to a read aloud. Students will communicate solutions that will reduce the impact of humans
5th Grade
In this lesson students will explore engineering skills in the construction of hot air balloons. They will test their creations to see if they will fly/float and make adjustments if needed.
This is a hands-on lesson about shapes! After listening to Jack and the Beanstalk, students will look at a collage of castles and try to identify shapes that they see in the construction of the
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This is an 8-lesson unit that is designed to be used together to learn about the health and diversity of your local watershed by placing leaf packs into a water source (natural or man-made ponds
3rd Grade, 4th Grade
This hands-on lesson is based on the book, "If I Built a House". Students use recyclables to create a 'dream' house which is based on their likes and interests. Using the Engineering Design Process as
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
In this engaging lesson, students will examine the surface of the Moon to consider hazardous conditions that NASA may find there. Then, they will investigate several hazards (dust, boulders, and
5th Grade
In this engaging and hands-on lesson, students will learn how crime scene investigators use science and engineering techniques and technology to solve crimes. Students will match substances based upon
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This is an 8-lesson unit that is designed to be used together to learn about the health and diversity of your local watershed by placing leaf packs into a water source (natural or man-made ponds
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This hands-on science lesson will help students get a more accurate view of the solar system by making a scale model with play dough, balloons, rulers, and tape!
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This is an 8-lesson unit that is designed to be used together to learn about the health and diversity of your local watershed by placing leaf packs into a water source (natural or man-made ponds
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This is a two- part lesson using pull back cars. Students will change the mass of their pull back cars to determine if the mass affects the distance they travel or their speed. This engaging lesson
3rd Grade
This lesson is the initial planning, sorting, and planting lesson to get Our Plot of Sunshine Curriculum started within a 3rd grade classroom. Can be modified for other grades, but math within this
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
In this meaningful lesson, students use creativity, imagination, and engineering skills to create a water conservation model that can be scaled up and used in a garden. Students are encouraged to
9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
Students will develop a deep understanding about environmental sustainability while creating an implementation plan for a UN sustainability goal. This lesson focuses on science and technology, with
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This is an 8-lesson unit that is designed to be used together to learn about the health and diversity of your local watershed by placing leaf packs into a water source (natural or man-made ponds
3rd Grade
In this lesson, students will create a unique animal and then describe & draw it in a specific habitat. The students will determine what adaptations the animal needs to survive in the habitat and
5th Grade
Students will use the engineering design process to design, build, and test three different paper airplane designs. The goal will be to create one that can fly the fastest, one that can fly the
Featured Lesson Plans
Check out these notable lesson plans.
Makey Makey Storyboards
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
This lesson takes students through the process of creating an interactive storyboard using a Makey Makey circuit board. This lesson can be adjusted for any grade level with examples given in the 4th
Sphero Rocket Payload Mission
9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
This lesson uses Sphero's "Rocket Payload" activity with the Outer Space Mat. The full lesson includes information on rocket payload, a Sphero coding challenge, a NASA link to read, optional questions
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
This lesson using Ozobot is centered around a favorite read aloud, "When Things Aren't Going Right, Go Left". This story is about perseverance. After reading it, students use color code directions and