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A student looking in a microscope, very scientifically

STEM Lesson Plans

Search our growing library of STEM lesson plans. Arizona teachers are contributing their best STEM lesson plans to an archive that is aligned with Arizona Academic Standards. This repository is provided free of charge through a collaboration with the Arizona Educational Foundation.

Grades: 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 0.
In this hands-on lesson, students study and record water quality readings by gaining an understanding of the significance of the readings along with the use of the correct vocabulary.
Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 1.
This is an introduction to exoplanets and their discovery. In the hands-on activity, students make a lightcurve for an exoplanet transit using data from the DIY MicroObservatory Telescope Network.
Grades: 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
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Students physically manipulate a couple of springs and then collect data from a spring force Phet simulator, graph the data, calculate the area under the curve of their linear line and then, hopefully
Grades: 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
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Students calculate their own physical power output by walking, and then hustling/running, up a flight of stairs. The change in potential energy (changing height) is the work they do (fighting gravity)
Grades: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 0.
This lesson plan is designed to give students the opportunity to learn about and implement bar graphs, line graphs, and picture graphs. Students will make physical graphs as well as digital graphs
Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade
2 votes with an average rating of 0.5.

Multiple-day Respiratory System lessons that cover the anatomical design of the respiratory system. Includes a basic model project to simulate breathing action and diaphragm. Includes muscles of the

Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade
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In this engaging lesson, students will use Sphero robots and a Solar System map to learn intermediate level solar system geography. Students program the robots to move from one location on the map to

Grades: 5th Grade
2 votes with an average rating of 0.5.

This is a simple lesson that explores the science behind pendulums. Students make a basic pendulum to explore the variables of mass and string length, and compare results to their knowledge of the

Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
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Teachers will be introduced to the VEX V5 Robotic Platform. We will start with an Introduction to robotics and how robotics is used in industry. Students will understand the key resources they will be

Grades: 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
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This lesson plan focuses on Torque, assuming prior knowledge of Rotational motion, angular velocity, angular acceleration, Newton's Laws for linear motion. It also introduces Newton's laws for

Grades: 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
2 votes with an average rating of 1.

This thematic unit has four lessons which will introduce students to phenomena we encounter in the real world. Students will learn about high interest phenomenon’s through hands-on investigations

Grades: 11th Grade, 12th Grade
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How do light rays reflect and refract? Does light travel at different speeds in different mediums? This lesson reviews how light waves can be reflected and refracted, and how light waves can change

Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade
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Students will use their knowledge of Newton's Laws of Motion to design and build a "ski jump" for a Sphero Bolt. This activity can be used for Science, Social Studies, Engineering, and (possibly)

Featured Lesson Plans

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cute little robot
Grades: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
2 votes with an average rating of 1.

This lesson combines ELA (reading and discussing the story), engineering (design a balloon with materials given and attach the balloon to an EdBot), and technology (code an EdBot to run the parade