Students will explore the concepts of sound and rhythm through a STEM-focused lesson plan that integrates science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) with music. Students will engage in hands-on
Students will investigate the properties of different types of matter and apply the concept of "P1: Matter" to design, model, and 3D print an object using a MakerBot 3D printer. Hands-On STEM Design
This lesson was designed because students love to compete, and it primes them to use the Engineering Design process to build a boat and revise their design as needed. Students must use at least one
Students will ask questions and carry out a collaborative investigation to determine which ingredients produce the best Cloud Dough. Students will use their 5 Senses to modify and adjust the recipe as
This STEAM lesson is ideal for Tucson/Pima County Middle School Students who can participate in the annual KIDStruction building contest but you can also duplicate many of the learning opportunities
In this hands-on engineering and science project, students will become earthquake engineers tasked with designing and constructing earthquake-proof structures using toothpicks and mini marshmallows
In this project, 8th-grade students will engage in hands-on exploration of elastic potential energy and its conversion to kinetic energy using small catapults. Through experimentation and data