Around two thousand years ago, weighing an elephant without advanced equipment posed a challenging problem. However, a clever solution was devised by a seven-year-old named Cao Cong. He ingeniously
This lesson will show students that genetic traits come from a lot of different places, and we are all different but still made of the same things. It will use real-time data collection to present
Students explore how circuitry works with a hands-on lesson where they design and build their own working pressure plate. The use of a MakeyMakey is incorporated with helpful video resources and
This is the 1st lesson in a series of 2 where students are guided through an introduction to designing apps with MIT App Inventor. Students will brainstorm ideas for their own apps, follow tutorials
In this outstanding lesson, students will apply their knowledge of how natural and human-caused changes to habitats or climate can impact our world in a stop motion film. The lesson covers a Science
Students will have the opportunity to discuss growing conditions needed for a healthy plant and what to do when the optimal choice may not be available. In this lesson students construct hydroponic
In this set of hands-on labs, students will explore friction and the effects of different types of surfaces on motion. They will have a chance to test motion with cars as well as create hover board
In this lesson, students will use the story of "The Three Little Superpigs and the Gingerbread Man" as the context to complete a hands-on STEM activity where they are responsible for building a trap
In this engaging lesson, students will construct a small experiment demonstrating the relationship of momentum with mass, and velocity, then record that data. Students will take the data and create a