This lesson is an introduction to Micro:bit. Students will learn parts of the device, as well as how to program and download a simple dice randomizer. Once the program is downloaded to the microbit
Splash of Science
Students measure the temperature of water as it cools to learn about heat transfer and thermal properties while using line of best fit, linear regressions and/or quadratic regressions.
A lesson to teach students how to collect, organize, interpret data, make inferences, raise awareness, and suggest possible solutions on the water quality of the waterbodies in the state of Arizona.
Students will explore the phenomenon of length of day that is created by Earth's tilt on its axis in relationship to its orbit around the sun. Students will collect and analyze data about the length
Students will use empty soda bottles and a heat lamp to model the greenhouse effect that is essential for life on Earth. They will collect data and use it to create a graph of their findings.
This is the first of a series of lessons where students will build a robotic rover using the BBC micro:bit. In this lesson, students will determine the proper diameter for M3 bolts by making test
In the unit, students will identify ways abiotic and biotic components work together in an ecosystem and what happens when it's disrupted through a analyzing wildlife roadkill in Arizona. Students
Coding a robot to solve a math problem has made math even more fun! In this lesson, students will work with a partner to write a code that will enable the robot of their choice to successfully solve
In this lesson, Kindergarten students create a program that will teach their robot how to solve a simple addition problem. This lesson reviews prior learning students have already received regarding