Cardboard Furniture Design Challenge

Objective - Design and build a piece of furniture out of cardboard.

Some criteria and constraints to think about:
-The piece of furniture must start from the ground while in use (i.e. chair, coffee table, night stand, sofa, etc.)
-The furniture must have legs or some type of base.
-Staples and screws are not allowed. Nobody wants to get stabbed. Bolts may be approved if proper precautions are taken.
-You must supply your own cardboard.
-There is a limited amount of materials in the classroom that you may freely use, however be sure to use them wisely.

Reviews will be given in the following areas:
Construction - How well was it built? Is it sturdy, level, square, etc.? Did you get poked, cut, jabbed, or need a tetanus shot after using it? Was it wobbly? Does it fall over?
Durability - How well will it withstand multiple usage? Did parts loosen, fall off, or break? Will this furniture need to be maintained or repaired often?
Functionality - How easily can it be taken apart, moved, and/or placed in storage compared to standard furniture of its type? Is it multi-purpose (i.e. it is a table, but it can also store eating utensils.)
Appearance - How well does this furniture look? It is pleasing to the eyes, symmetrical, proportional? Are the lines and sides crisp, even, straight? How is the paint job?
Enjoyment of the Furniture - How well did you like using this furniture? If you acquired this free of charge, would you keep it or throw it out? Was this something that you would like to buy or build yourself?

A report must be given using the Engineering Design Process Rubric Guidelines.

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