In this final lesson, students will use a life expectancy model to figure their likelihood of dying at a certain age They will use this answer to calculate their best life insurance policy, and
Students will orient to the varied rates of death that depend on age. They will learn how to check for conditions of valid sampling designs that let them use the Normal curve for modeling their sample
The Parachute design lesson involves students learning about the engineering design process, air resistance, and parachute principles before planning and constructing their own parachutes. Through
In this lesson, students will learn about Wilson Bentley, the "farmer scientist" who pioneered photomicrography to photograph snowflakes and share them with the world. Students will then design and
Students will use science skills to engineer habitats for polar regions as they learn about the polar regions through hands on experiences.
Today students will continue their studies of simple block programming with the use of the Edison robot. Students will start using the barcode and then transition into block coding using Edscratch
Students in 4th grade learned about natural disasters through this interactive STEM lesson focused on the creation on a 'tsunami-proof' home. Students used the Engineering Design Process to create a