Survivor: Extreme Environments STEAM PBL Project
by Cassie Strahota
What would you do if you were dropped into the wilderness, with nothing but what you could fit into a backpack, and had to survive harsh weather, a hostile location, and possibly aggressive wildlife? Could you survive? In this STEAM project, you will need to research a chosen location in order to best know the equipment and abilities you will need in order to survive. Create a mini survival handbook of the top 10 tips for survival in your environment and make a plan for what you will do first when you arrive at your destination.
Lesson Plan Link/URL…Subject Area
Science Earth and Space Science E1: Earth Systems Life Science L2: Organisms & Energy Technology 1. Empowered Learner 3. Knowledge Constructor 4. Innovative Designer 6. Creative Communicator 7. Global Collaborator Engineering S2: Apply the Engineering Design Process S4: Apply Science to Engineering English Language Arts (ELA) Reading (Informational Text)
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