Let's Trap the Gingerbread Man
by Khristina Sorge
In this lesson, students will use the story of "The Three Little Superpigs and the Gingerbread Man" as the context to complete a hands-on STEM activity where they are responsible for building a trap to catch the gingerbread man. They will then incorporate language arts skills/standards by analyzing how the addition of their trap would change the outcomes and personalities of the characters involved in the story.
Lesson Plan Link/URL
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RAhhw-HP7eXiD4zy9tkro_38QfOmAX2F/edit?u…Subject Area
Science Physical Science P3: Net Force Engineering S2: Apply the Engineering Design Process S4: Apply Science to Engineering S6: Apply Communications to Engineering English Language Arts (ELA)
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