Brewing Up An Argument in Physical Science
This STEM lesson takes place in a science classroom after students have explored the differences between substances (in the solid, liquid, and gas states), and energy transfer. It is intended to last one hour. Students are encouraged to work creatively in small groups of two to four. An emphasis is placed on two aspects of the lesson:
*The target EDM product (building a free-standing thermometer to measure liquid’s temperature)
*Introduction of the C.E.R. process in science (Claim, Evidence, Reasoning that leads to making inferences and drawing conclusions)
Lesson Grade Level
6th GradeLesson Plan Link/URL
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rDbP2lhbmmabwmVIH3_PgYl5Vt-A4yDG/edit?u…Subject Area
Science Physical Science P1: Matter P4: Energy Transfer Engineering S2: Apply the Engineering Design Process S4: Apply Science to Engineering S6: Apply Communications to Engineering Mathematics Measurement and Data (MD) English Language Arts (ELA) WritingRelated Content
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