Animal Habitats: Lesson 3
This is lesson 3 of the Life Science Unit. Students design a habitat for an organism using earth material.
Links to all lessons and optional fiction read-alouds, picture sorts, STEM hands-on activities, journal prompts, classroom partner games that reinforce science content, field trip suggestions, and PE games are included!
Lesson Grade Level
1st GradeLesson Plan Link/URL…Subject Area
Science Life Science L2: Organisms & Energy Engineering S2: Apply the Engineering Design Process English Language Arts (ELA) Writing Speaking & ListeningRelated Content
Space Case Chapters 1-7
This is the 2nd set of 4 lesson plans that correlate with the novel "Space Case" by Stuart Gibbs. This is a literature-inspired project base learning opportunity. The lessons include straw rockets
This lesson is designed to promote hands-on, project-based learning that connects various disciplines. It emphasizes the importance of real-world applications and encourages students to think
Students will learn about Newton's Third Law of Motion and practice this law by using the engineering design process to create a paper jet engine using a balloon.