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A student looking in a microscope, very scientifically

STEM Lesson Plans

Search our growing library of STEM lesson plans. Arizona teachers are contributing their best STEM lesson plans to an archive that is aligned with Arizona Academic Standards. This repository is provided free of charge through a collaboration with the Arizona Educational Foundation.

Grades: 5th Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 0.
Students will explore the history and processes of using natural dyes, focusing on Sonoran desert flora. They will use examples from colonial times from colonists as well. They will investigate how
Grades: 3rd Grade
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In this hands on lesson, students learn about LED lights and why they are they better choice for the environment. After becoming familiar with LEDs, students then find out that the local Parks and Rec
Grades: 4th Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 1.
Do you need a fun culminating activity at the end of your light energy or light waves unit? Look no further! Here students will create their own spectroscope and investigate light energy and light
Grades: 3rd Grade
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This lesson plan integrates science and technology, making coding accessible and fun for 3rd graders. It helps them understand weather patterns while engaging with technology. It aligns with Arizona's
Grades: 3rd Grade
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In this engaging 1.5-hour lesson, 3rd-grade students will combine Science, Technology, and English Language Arts (ELA) to create a virtual garden using Students will learn the basics of
Grades: 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 1.
This lesson is designed to uderstand the stages of mitosis by integrating Virtual Reality (VR) in the classroom. The students will be able to identify and describe the key events in each stage of
Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 1.
This is the fourth lesson in a series of four designed to guide students through the process of designing, implementing, and documenting their own independent STEM research projects. This lesson
Grades: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
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Students will modify previous versions of their Edison robots to move objects on the Mars map. Students will investigate the idea of a biosphere and use their robots to move supplies to the biosphere
Grades: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 1.
Students will practice coding using Ed Blocks. They will use a given map as a target for their robot navigation with precision. The emphasis on this lesson is on making modifications and adjustments
Grades: 7th Grade
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This project transforms students into solar power investigators! They'll construct miniature solar power plants (model houses) and test methods to combat dust, a real-world challenge for solar panels
Grades: 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
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In the Drone Light Show project, students will explore the intersection of technology, creativity, and teamwork by designing and programming their own synchronized drone light show. Utilizing DJI
Grades: 8th Grade, 9th Grade
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This is the second part of the lesson: Soap Lab - Soap Making. In this lesson, students will take what they learned about soap making and develop a marketing plan for their company. Students will
Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
2 votes with an average rating of 1.
This lesson is a whole unit on energy. It can be broken up into 10 separate lessons. I chose to put them all together so that it was easier to see how I organized them so you did not have to search
Grades: 4th Grade
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Students will come up with and perform an investigation for the phenomenon that dropping a rock into a puddle makes a different reaction than throwing it. Students will drop a ball into a cup or
Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
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This lesson is designed to help students learn how to critically evaluate sources of information, a crucial skill for conducting independent STEM projects. The lesson uses the Baloney Detection Kit
Grades: 4th Grade, 5th Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 1.
In this lesson, we will learn about different methods for growing potatoes, as the pioneer farmers would have needed to test during the time of the settlers in the United States and Westward Expansion

Featured Lesson Plans

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cute little robot
Grades: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
2 votes with an average rating of 1.

This lesson combines ELA (reading and discussing the story), engineering (design a balloon with materials given and attach the balloon to an EdBot), and technology (code an EdBot to run the parade