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A student looking in a microscope, very scientifically

STEM Lesson Plans

Search our growing library of STEM lesson plans. Arizona teachers are contributing their best STEM lesson plans to an archive that is aligned with Arizona Academic Standards. This repository is provided free of charge through a collaboration with the Arizona Educational Foundation.

Grades: 3rd Grade
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Students will use live seedlings and available information about seedling and the Sun's energy to determine the best location for the plant to thrive.

Grades: 2nd Grade
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This lesson combines plant science with measurement and line plot graphing. Students will research plant needs through books and media to plan and conduct an experiment which tests different growing

Grades: Kindergarten
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In this lesson, students will watch a video discussing how birds have different beaks depending on what they eat. Students will then have the opportunity to examine the differences in chickens and

Grades: 6th Grade
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Students will explore the role that decomposers play in the nitrogen cycle. First students will gather information through research and activities to construct a model of the nitrogen cycle. Then

Grades: Kindergarten, 1st Grade
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Have you ever wondered how ducks stay warm and dry while swimming in cold water? Students will create a duck and then be able to test their theory!

Grades: 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
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How could a zombie outbreak happen? In this lab, students will observe how quickly an unknown disease can spread by mixing water from a cup with their peers' water. Contaminated students have iodine

Grades: 2nd Grade
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Students will plant seeds and measure their plant growth over time in this hands-on lesson. They will record their data in a chart and create a line plot and bar graph to visually represent collected

Grades: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
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This lesson is an introduction to the parts of a plant and how the parts help the plant get nutrients for grades K-2. Students will have an opportunity to plant and care for a plant at the end of the

Grades: 6th Grade
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This is a lesson plan about creating a vermicomposting bin. This explains how vermicomposting helps in keeping the environment clean and also how it helps create rich soil which is important for

Grades: 2nd Grade
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In this parts of a plant lesson students will be able to identify and describe the basic parts of a plant. Students will learn about seeds, roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit. Epics books will be

Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
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Students will apply their knowledge of food chains within ecosystems to the design of a mandala. This lesson will combine science, visual art and geometry. First, students will get a review of food

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Grades: 3rd Grade
1 votes with an average rating of 1.

This lesson is about exploring Arizona's state bird, the cactus wren, that lives in the desert, has special body parts and behaviors that help it survive in its harsh environment. Students will learn