Transverse and Longitude Waves

Waves transport energy, not matter, from place to place. Remember that matter is made of particles too small
be seen. Particles are required to transport some types of waves, such as sound waves. When the wave travels, the particles do not travel with the wave. It may appear that ocean waves are moving particles of water toward you, but in fact, the water is only moving up and down. We can test this by placing a heavy ping-pong ball in a wave tank. The waves move from one side of the tank to the other,
but the ping-pong ball does not travel, it only moves up and down. Scientists put waves into two general categories: transverse waves and longitudinal waves. Transverse waves vibrate perpendicular to the direction that the wave travels. Ocean waves are a great example of a transverse wave. “The wave” at a sporting event is also a transverse wave. Have the Slinky  Call up different students to make the slinky work.
Waves: Wavelength & Amplitude Video For Kids | 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade ( (you need to sign up for a free account before hand)…
  Make a transverse wavelength and a longitudinal wave using a model with the slinky.  Have the ball as the focus point in the slinky.    
Have the Slinky  Call up different students to make the slinky work.
Waves: Wavelength & Amplitude Video For Kids | 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade ( (you need to sign up for a free account before hand)…
  Make a transverse wavelength and a longitudinal wave using a model with the slinky.  Have the ball as the focus point in the slinky.    

Lesson Grade Level

3rd Grade


Sound Energy

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