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How & Why to Use Public Records in Your Classroom

PD Hours 6.00

In this professional learning session tailored for educators, we will commence with an introduction to a resource perspective on student learning. This foundational understanding will serve as the cornerstone for our exploration of effective teaching practices. Throughout the session, participants will delve into the purpose and various types of public records, including summary tables, driving question boards, gotta-have checklists, and more. Educators will gain valuable insights into the significance of these tools in enhancing student sensemaking experiences. Moreover, the session will provide hands-on guidance on how to construct and adeptly manage public records in the classroom, empowering teachers to create organized, engaging, and resourceful learning environments that foster student growth and success.

Facilitators: Ron Gray and Audrey Baird

Northern Arizona University

For more information contact:

NAU Center for Science Teaching & Learning